What I'm listening to

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh such great gifts!

I haven't much time, but I just wanted to share:
- I found an awesome place to camp last night and woke up in my own meadow with the Eiger, Monch, and Jungfrau ahead of me as the sun came up
- I had two hours alone in the meadow to sing Sound of Music and worship songs
- Josh left his camera accidentally and I found it at the hostel, so we met up this morning in Interlaken (facebook is an amazing thing) and those three guys and I spent the day hanging out on the shores of Lake Brienz, swimming, talking, eating, and sunbathing; which was the most incredible blessing because I had been so sad to say goodbye
- cool sunset in Grindelwald tonight
-headed on a night train to Budapest and then Romania, and should be at the orphanage by evening on the 12th

Love you all!


Amy said...

Cool Shell belle!
Have a fun time in budapest and romania! love you

Laura said...

It is so awesome to see how God has continually provided for all of your needs on this trip! You made me laugh out loud about singing the Sound of Music songs. Love you, Aunt Laura

Colleen Wachob said...

I can't believe how much you have already seen and done. Can't wait to hear more! Love, Leeners

Barb said...

I am so glad you sang songs from the Sound of Music. It is such a Shelle belle thing - it is like a signature statement.

It made me smile.

I love you.