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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving this year was much quieter than most - only 5 of us gathered around the table, which is a departure from the usual for my family. But it was a wonderful, relaxing, thankful time together. Ryan worked the whole weekend but had each evening off to come home, which was nice. Ryan's friend Steven, whose family is on Kauai, came over, and Paige drove down from Tacoma to spend the weekend with us. I love having her around! She is a breath of fresh air and so much fun to be around.

Sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with Paige & Steven

After eating (at 7:00 because Ryan didn't get off work until then), everyone was too full for pie. Instead we watched Miracle on 34th St. - a tradition Colleen and I started back in high school and have kept fairly well. No one else will usually watch it with us, though, so I was surprised when Ryan, Steven and my mom joined in and stayed awake better than I did! :)

Kayaking on the river with Paige - gorgeous and warm day

We invited the Smith's and Adam over for an afternoon of games and hanging out. Dawn loves games, as do I, but John is not a fan. He spent most of the time ridiculing whatever we were playing. The rest of us had fun though: we played Whoonu and Imaginif, ate Thanksgiving leftovers and my mom's caramel popcorn, and we laughed a ton. Ephraim completely attached himself to Blake, and spent several hours chasing him around house and doing whatever he did. Blake seemed to enjoy it too.

Blake and Ephraim playing the piano :)

Look at Paige and Forrest at the end of the table! They cheated through several rounds before we picked up on it.

Sliding contest!

Paige's friend Nicole came over Saturday and Sunday before they drove back to PLU. It was fun meeting and hanging out with her! She is a literature genius and it was so great to stay up late and talk about books. :0)

Complete! It took us three days, probably 10 collective hours, and help from Amy, Steven, my mom, and Nicole, but we finally finished this 1000-piece puzzle on Saturday night.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thank you for acknowledging all of the assistance I gave you on the puzzle. You would have been lost without me. I also love the picture of Blake and Ephraim. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!