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Friday, December 19, 2008

Part IV: An Incredible Journey

I'm way past due to be done writing about Europe, so here are just a few pictures to cap off the trip.

So grateful to have made it to Normandy
Carentan was full of beautiful old buildings and bright flowers

Riding across Utah Beach

One of the 4 causeway exits from the beach that the Airborne units were charged with securing
The "Chapel de Notre Dame" in Carentan - sorry I couldn't turn it right side up!
The castle in Caen, taken 15 minutes before I realized I was lost and wouldn't make it to the ferry
Sunrise over the English Channel (from inside the ferry)
Milford Haven, Wales

And that's the end!! I am so thankful I was able to take this trip - it was an amazing experience I will cherish always. Thanks to everyone for praying - I know it kept me safe and well. Thanks to Mom for her skymiles and the pedicure; to Amy, Colleen, Cathy, Laura, Emily, and everyone who wrote me notes; to Trish for flying all the way out to Norway on a whim and making that week such a wonderful time together - I'd go with you anywhere! - and thanks too for the birthday cake and trip around Stockholm; thanks to all the Juniors Abroad crew for letting me join in the fun, and to Cindy, Kelly, and Emily for making room for me to crash with you; thanks to Lucy and Leisel, my trusty blue traveling companions; thanks to Mary & the Feeneys, Jim, Hank, Maresh and family, Hans, the Switzerland crew, Jackson & Lou, everyone at REMM, the Canadians, Arden, Michele, Marisa & Eva, Ben, and every new friend I met along the way for your kindness, hospitality, and warmth; and thanks to our Father, for making the mountains and the seas and then opening our eyes so we can see the beauty of His majesty. I love you all!!

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